
'Of Light and Sands, Forged in Blood and Steel'

Eye ColorViolet
Hair ColorMauve, with blonde highlights
OccupationBodyguard for Hire; Mercenary
LanguagesCommon, Dalmascan
Voice ClaimKarl Heisenberg (Neil Newbon, RE:8)
FaithLight of Kiltia
Moral AlignmentLawful Neutral / Lawful Evil (situational)
Maritial StatusSingle

Born and raised in Rabanastre, Jude comes from a long line of cheesemakers. Peynirci. Such aspirations for their loving son halted with Garlmald's occupation of Dalmasca. The day that Rabanastre fell to the Garlean bombardment is the day he lost it all- his family, his home, and for a long time, his conviction. You could still say he hasn't found it. Nowadays, he'd say he's turned over a new leaf, moved to Eorzea in search of adventure, and in so doing tries to leave his past where it belongs. In the past.With musculature befitting a man who knows intense physical labor and numerous scars, Jude looks like your average run-of-the-mill mercenary. Battle hardened, rugged, and not afraid to handle some dirty work. Red spectacles usually sit perched on his face as his signature look. Speaks with a mild Dalmascan accent, though in the presence of other Dalmascans with thick accents it will start to become heavier.On a surface level, a man who rarely takes himself seriously. An Underdog. And happy to keep it that way. He's found that there are few things someone could want for in life, and usually for him, it boils down to base needs like money, food, and a place to sleep. Maybe a bit of pleasure to mix things up. Afterall, who doesn't like a bit of revelry? Just another man, another body to fill a space- a purpose; The only thing he can attest to is that he's damn hard to kill. He'll bet his life on it.

A Healthy Dose of Cynicism. There is always someone bigger and badder than you. Someone with more money. More power. Definitely some ulterior motive. Why go through the trouble of ousting them and bringing them to justice when you can play the game, gain from it. Surely, they're thinking the same thing. Jude has found that the world is filled with those motivated only by coin and self-interest, what's the harm in being another? If you asked him though, he would say he's a man of Honor, even if his sense of honor is definitely skewed.Antagonistic. A Cutting Tongue. Jude has a way with words, one that has often garnered a slap or a punch to the face by their respective parties. Prone to abrasive acts and jesting jabs, the man has seen his fair share of victories in drunken brawls to being kicked out onto the street for his insolence. And yet, he isn't one for senseless violence and those who take to needless cruelty will often be held in little regard. If he's gotten ahold of one of his vices (cigars or alcohol) recently, then he'll generally be in a good mood. More Boisterous and Prone to Merriment and Goodwill. Or maybe that's his usual temperament and it's the withdrawals that make him testier. Either way if the situation calls for it, Jude isn't above lying- though if he had to pick he'll opt to lie by omission. Cover stories are easier to be kept that way, let them fill in the blanks.For all his Showboating Tendencies, a few can say that it's a front for the softer parts hidden underneath. The part of himself that would choose to go hungry rather than someone else. In one breath disparaging a whelp still wet behind the ears, but unable to stop himself from keeping an eye out and coming to their rescue the next. A fondness for poetry, something proven to help distract his mind from ruminating thoughts. Though if you asked him, he'd rather read it than write it.Scents: Tobacco/cigars, oil, solder (heated metal), leather, spice.

RP Hooks

Dalmasca Superior.(Turkish Influences)
Growing up in Rabanastre had been rife with conflict, especially for someone now well into his years. Just a child when his home fell under Garlemald's occupation, he had to grow up quick; Learn a few things. One that as a diverse nation, many adopted the philosophy of "Live and Let Live", one that he still carries over into current day. However, within his small community inside the city the concept of honor was deeply embedded. His actions could either reflect well or poorly on his own reputation and his family's.
This was later something that would damn not only him, but his loved ones in the eyes of their collectivist community. Once he was of age, he willingly signed on as a conscript to attain garlean citizenship for him and his family- a necessary evil in his eyes to provide and ensure their safety in the years to come. Many disagreed with his actions, and his family's name suffered the brunt of it.While his family had considered themselves people of faith, following the teachings of the Light of Kiltia, Garlemald had banned worship and had either destroyed or repurposed all holy places of worship in the city. As a conscript in their military, there wasn't any room for worship in the God of Light, and even now Jude struggles with his faith.

The IVth Legion.
Signing on as a conscript seen Jude joining the IVth Legion, the local garlean forces that oversaw the Dalmascan area. There he would undergo basic military training, learning how to wield a gunblade as someone who's able to manipulate aether, and being a general mechanic for magitek. Even after years of active service, Jude never became more than a common foot soldier, just another body to fill the rank and file in the eyes of his superiors. Rabanstre has seen its fair share of skirmishes and small rebellions throughout the years, pitting him against his own countrymen in a bid to keep the 'peace'. To keep some of the native forces from becoming too sympathetic to the rebel's cause, him and a few others were sent on outside assignments to help other legions curb rebel forces in distant lands. Military life to him was thankless and grueling, often most of his earnings being sent back to his family, but it gave him some useful skills. (See Additional Hook for more information about this time.)
The bombardment that befell Rabanastre however was seen as the ultimate betrayal of his years of loyalty, and at the first chance while out on assignment Jude deserted. He fled, and even though in the wake of the IVth Legion's defeat with the normal rank and file having not been tried for their war crimes, Jude knows there are those who still hold resentment for ex-conscripts. It's a part of his past that he keeps a tightly held secret, though his familiarity around magitek and gunblades could maybe instill an air of suspicion.

The Crown Jewel of the Desert. And then some.
It was time for a new life and what better place to do that then in Eorzea? Going by a new name to try and erase any ties back to his past, Jude settled in Ul'dah after a lengthy journey and multiple passages by ship. If not for the similar climate, then for the abundance of work if one is willing to turn a blind eye to shadier business. For the right price there isn't much this man isn't willing to do, and he'll do it well too. A mercenary has got to keep up a good reputation if they want to keep their coin purse full; And be willing to follow the trail of money, any city will do, it's just Ul'dah seems to be the place for those in need of muscle.
Need an escort for your trade route? A bodyguard while you go about your business? Someone to guard your crates of questionable goods from competitors or those who would go snooping? Jude's your man and while usually a lone wolf, if you hire more than one person for the job, then he'll learn to play nice.And after a job well done (or not), nothing beats hitting up the local tavern for a few drinks. He might even feel so inclined to buy a round if the pay was good and the job went off without a hitch.

Additional Hook. TRIGGER WARNING: Depictions of drug use and addiction.



Name: Credence/Jude/Cross
Pronouns: he/him
Timezone: PST
Just a silly little guy, really. I've been playing FFXIV for over 5 years now and have been doing forum RP for fandoms like Lord of the Rings and D&D campaigns for longer still. Personally my replies range from single to multi-paragraph, but I usually match my RP partner in replies based on IG or discord RP. I'm LGBT+ and ftm trans and don't condone racism or any bigotry.Availability varies depending on my work schedule, unfortunately I suffer the retail life.discord available on request.



RP/18+ RP. I am open to any RP (except for graphic character death, sexual assault, torture, etc.) 18+ RP I only do with a writing partner that I'm comfortable with and if our characters have an IC relationship that it's feasibly in the realm of possibility. There has to be chemistry present. RP is about consent from all individuals and I'm not comfortable RPing non-con.Speaking of - I only do RP with people who are 21+. This is non-negotiable and please do not lie about your age. I would prefer to RP with a similar age group, especially if we venture into more mature themes.Lore friendly, but not lore strict! I like to theory craft and incorporate other fantasy elements into FFXIV RP - to an extent. Elements that are too fantastical or borderline lore breaking I am not comfortable roleplaying with. If you have questions regarding this and your character, contact me and we can discuss!IC =/= OOC. I like to have open communication with my RP writing partners, whether to discuss availability or having a friendship outside of RP. IF there are tensions ICly between our characters, it does not translate OOCly and as writers both parties should be able to discuss where they want the character's relationship to proceed and how. I'm not looking for an OOC romantic relationship with anyone, even if our characters may lean towards those kinds of relations.I do not RP with WoL characters. I do not RP my character as the WoL. Having interactions/relations with canon characters are ok to an extent. I don't want to see a character who is Thancred's sister, distant relationships to these characters are ok as long as that is not all you want to RP. I'm more interested in YOUR character and not following MSQ quest for quest.

RP Hook

(Hello! Hopefully you heeded the trigger warning because this is definitely going to touch base with some darker themes. I took a bit of inspiration from the Witcher and Dragon Age franchises with this one along with the in-game knowledge we have of Garlean experimentation. See the Witcher Potions or Lyrium.)During his time as a conscript with the IVth Legion, Jude was one of many who took part of their experimental substances. 'Took part' maybe is too nice of a description, more like 'was forced to in order to study how it would affect those who were able to manipulate aether' is more apt. Drugs that would enhance the users physically or aetherically, make them less prone to exhaustion- forgoing the need for sleep; The types seemed to never cease, each new idea was followed by a scientist shoving a vial of some unknown potion or tonic down their throats.And while some of them did have some beneficial affects, the drawbacks proved to be just as bad. Brief periods of loss of memory, feeling like you lost time, erratic or violent behavior, confusion, vomiting, hallucinations to name a few, not to mention the addiction. After a while of being forced to take them, they grew addicted to the very thing that made them feel less human.As a deserter, Jude tries any means possible to attain said substances in order to stave off his withdrawls, to stop the need that feels like an itch under his skin. There seems to be plenty of people, especially pirates, who plunder garlean vessels for their shipments and he is in dire need of some sort of contact. Black market or otherwise.